About Holly


I'm Holly Bellebuono

In my 30 years of entrepreneurship, I've supported purpose-driven entrepreneurs who value positive environmental and social impact.

I've lectured in England, Costa Rica, Canada, and across the US from Boston to Hawaii at conferences, retreats, and universities delivering strategies and inspiration. I've published seven nonfiction books in three languages (with the 8th due for release in Spring 2025), and I've taught thousands of students how to move their business to the next level.

I launched the Selle Entrepreneur Network as a learning platform with innovative Business Courses where you will find inspiration, build your skills, and develop the essential frameworks you need to make an extraordinary impact.

I share business wisdom that is creative, personal, and useful. My courses are "not your daddy's business school" and each course reflects my deep desire to help you fulfill your business purpose.

Holly Bellebuono in the forrest

A bit more about me:

I've authored 7 nonfiction books on herbal medicine and have the 8th (a book of philosophy and the human experience) due out Spring 2025. Having directed The Bellebuono School of Herbal Medicine since 2005 (it's been an official school of The American Herbalist Guild since 2011), I've taught thousands of students both in-person and on-line about natural health and healing.

My documentary book Women Healers of the World: The Traditions,  History & Geography of Herbal Medicine, was named The Thomas DeBaggio Book of the Year 2015 by The International Herb Association. I've been published or featured in journals and magazines around the world, including Juno, Taproot, Parabola, and more.

I hold a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Appalachian State University and have served as Executive, Program, and Fiscal Director for human service, education, and environmental nonprofits. Awards include two Small Business Owner of the Year and a Nonprofit of the Year Award. 

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