Not Your Daddy's Business School

A learning membership for purpose-driven business leaders to get business development resources, coaching, courses, and community

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Get the educational resources you need:

fresh, innovative, purpose-driven

The Selle Entrepreneur Network is a learning community that provides webinars, courses, coaching, business development resources, and more for the business that wants to make a positive impact

Join now!
Welcome to

The Selle Entrepreneur Network 

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A learning community with purpose in mind

Support your business in a diverse, creative environment with lessons you won't find anywhere else, especially for purpose-driven businesses and those in the natural and organic product world.

It's especially designed for creative and ambitious owners starting or expanding their businesses. We support ethic-minded and purpose-driven leaders in learning about positive impact along with basic business skills including business development, branding, marketing, entrepreneurship, leadership, purpose implementation, and more.

You deserve both cloud-level inspiration and ground-level skill building to reach your next phase in business.

What's Included In The Selle membership


Webinars, Blogs, Articles & Templates

Selle members enjoy monthly access to new business development resources; tips for branding, vision & pricing; and videos including website audits that teach business marketing, branding, and implementation to help you envision and grow your brand.

  • Guest speakers
  • Interviews with like-minded leaders
  • Downloadable templates and resources

A discount on all Selle business courses

Members get discounted access to all Selle business development courses, including:

  • Selle Confident: The Essential Guide for Startups and Small Businesses
  • Selle Natural: Best Practices for Running a Natural & Organic Products Business
  • Selle Organic: Certifications & Commitments for Organic & Beyond
  • and more

Each course is designed to support businesses no matter the size, direction, product, or vision.

Check out Selle Business Courses here!

Meet other leaders who share your values

Selle members include entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, visionaries, artists, makers and crafters, and more.

  • Ask questions
  • Develop relationships
  • Share ideas and accountability

Customized coaching opportunities for you and your team

  • Focus on project-specific goals or broad vision
  • Work toward 90=day objectives
  • Explore issues related to vision, leadership, branding, business development, marketing & promotion, management, product development, hiring, and more
  • Brainstorm with a trusted sounding board

Selle Entrepreneur Network Is For You If...

  • You value learning to improve yourself and your business
  • You seek skills for small businesses that aren't available in business school
  • You have a creative and innovative mindset and you want more than KPI statistics
  • You want to think outside the box or bottle
  • You need to make decisions toward positive impact
  • You run (or want to start) a natural or organic product business
  • You are an herbalist, aromatherapist, boutique owner, cosmetics maker, coffee/tea producer, chocolate maker, organic personal care seller, feminine product maker, textile or fabric producer, paper goods producer, or any number of other business in the natural products industry
  • You value purpose and wish to implement purpose throughout every aspect of your business
  • You want to improve your company culture

I'm Holly Bellebuono

I'm an entrepreneur, consultant, author, and international speaker. In my 30 years running businesses, I've helped thousands of entrepreneurs, creatives, writers, and business leaders expand their work to reach the next level of success. I coach individuals and small teams, speak to large audiences at conferences and universities - across England, Costa Rica, Canada, and the United States from Boston to Hawaii - and teach down-to-Earth business courses.

All of this is to provide memorable meaning, focus, and growth for you and your team. 

I founded The Selle Entrepreneur Network as a learning platform where startups, small businesses, and conscious business owners can discover the foundations of business success...the creative and essential courses they don't teach in business school.


Selle Entrepreneur Network

Payment Plan

$145 x3

3 monthly payments


Pay In Full
